We believe that every young adult should have the resources to achieve their dreams. Whether this comes in the form of educational resources, financial support, mental support, or simply positive influence, our goal is to empower the youth to become exceptional humans.

purchase with purpose.

It's not widely known, but most foster centers do not accept worn or used clothing. This puts a HUGE financial burden on these centers to provide quality clothing. Local Human donates one tee to these foster centers for any product sold to help lighten the load.

Local Human, and The Do Good Foundation, are founded on the premise of giving back. Whether we're donating money, volunteering time, or just rising spirits through compliments, we realize the power of "giving" is our true calling.

With that said, 100% of the revenue generated by Local Human products will be donated to The Do Good Foundation. 

Every. Single. Dollar. Donated.


Sometimes giving back means donating money to foundations, sometimes it means volunteering time to local nonprofits, but sometimes the best form of giving back is a random act of kindness.

On Friday's, we try to live by our Mission, Do Good, Feel Good, but going out of our way to help make someone elses day! From surprising Starbucks employees with cash, to giving a well earned teacher some support with supplies, we aim to be a positive light to a random person on Friday. 

How Can You Help?

1. Donate directly to The Do Good Foundation.

2. Make a purchase with Local Human, 100% of the proceeds are donated.

3. Do good! Give a compliment, buy the order behind you, call your mom!